Love Basket
Love basket is a special project by the school. It is targeted at adding value to the lives of the less privileged in the city of Port Harcourt. It is one of JEPHTHAH's corporate social responsibility programs.
The 'Love Basket Project' is carried out in first term towards the closing week every December. In 2016, hundreds of love baskets were effectively distributed in Port-Harcourt. Students look forward to participating in this project having been taught by the Administrator of the physical and spiritual blessings in giving to the poor.
The Major Contributor, the Vision Carrier and Driver of Love Basket Project is our beloved Administrator (Pastor Mrs. Ifeoma Chukwuogo)
Each basket is packed full with yards of clothing material, food items, toiletries, etcetera. Many students volunteer their time in preparing the 'love baskets'
All members of the JEPHTHAH community including parents, students and staff are given the privilege to contribute to this noble project.
The beneficiaries (the less privilege) always look forward to our hampers and visit every December.
The SS3 students are the only set of students that are allowed to go to town for the distribution of these baskets. They are accompanied by senior staff members and security personnel.
The scriptural base for this program is in Matt. 25:33-46